     ●策略性計劃(strategic plans):應用於整個組織、建立組織全面性目標的計劃,與尋找組織所處環境中的定位
     ●作業性計劃(operational plans):說明組織將如何達到全面性目標的計劃。
     ●短期計劃(short-term plans):時間在一年或一年以下的計劃。
     ●長期計劃(long-term plans):時間長達三年以上的計劃。
     ●特定性計劃(specific plans):定義清楚而不需要多作解釋,有明確的特定目標
     ●方向性計劃(directional plans):建立一般準則彈性計劃
     ●單一性計劃(single-use plans):滿足一個特定的需求
     ●經常性計劃(standing plans):為持續執行的計劃,提供重複活動指導方針。包含了政策、規則和程序。(例:性騷擾防止政策)
     ●其中一個方式是蒐集『競爭者情報(competitor intelligence)』,藉以提前掌握競爭者行動。

(a)7.方向性計畫是:a.建立一般準則的彈性計畫b.設立明確方向要管理者遵行的嚴謹計畫c.提供如何組裝產品的正式計畫d.讓員工改變生產進度 的一般性計畫。P.173
(d)8.經常性計 畫是持續性的 計畫,它提供:a.如何完成事情的一般性指引b.利害關係人確立的目標也是組織致力要達成的目標c.股東確立的目標也是組織致力要 達成的目標d.重複活動的指導方針。(中文版課本內容無)

 Explain what studies have shown about the relationship between planning and performance.
It should be noted that one cannot say that organizations that formally plan always outperform those that don’t plan.
However, studies have indicated that formal planning is often associated with positive financial results. Generally, performance is also higher in those organizations where planning is present. And, when higher performance is not the result of formal planning, often the reason is due to something in the external environment. Finally, studies indicate that at least four years of formal planning are necessary before performance is affected.

Discuss the contingency factors that affect planning.
The first contingency factor is a manager’s level in the organization. Typically, lower-level managers are operational planners, while upper-level managers are strategic planners. Second, with environmental uncertainty, plans should be specific, but flexible. And third, the length of future commitments can greatly affect planning.

Describe how managers can effectively plan in today’s
dynamic environment.
Environmental uncertainty is a constant. Therefore, managers should develop plans that are specific yet remain flexible. If managers recognize that planning is an ongoing process, then when a dynamic environment is encountered, managers can adapt readily.
Another way to assist with planning is to craft an organizational hierarchy that is relatively flat. Allowing lower level managers to set goals and develop plans is an effective way to deal with a dynamic environment.

Will planning become more or less important to managers in the future? Why?
Planning will become more important to managers in the future because of the uncertainty in an increasingly dynamic environment. 
Changes constantly occur in both the general and specific environments of organizations, and many of these changes take place rapidly. Planning helps managers cope with the uncertainty by forcing managers to look
ahead, anticipate change, consider the impact of the change, and develop appropriate responses.

If planning is so crucial, why do some managers choose not to do it? What would you tell these managers?
Managers may choose not to devote time to planning because they do not know how to plan or feel that they do not have the necessary time.
Others may say that planning is a waste of time, that the future is going to happen whether or not they plan. However, these reasons do not discount the importance of planning. Every manager should engage in planning.

Explain how planning involves making decisions today that will have an impact later.
As managers plan, they make decisions that influence how activities are organized, how employees are managed, and what control mechanisms are implemented. As managers look to the future by planning, the decisions they make as they plan will have an impact on their other managerial activities.

7.非營利組織 ( 如美國癌症學會 ) 與營利為目的 ( 如可口可樂 ) 的組織差異為何?
 How might planning in a not-for-profit organization such as the American Cancer Society differ from planning in a for-profit organization such as Coca-Cola?
The process of planning is similar, but the content of the plans will differ.
The types of objectives that are established and the plans that are formulated will be influenced by the fact that a not-for-profit organization does not have profit as its major objective. However, a not-for-profit organization  must devote efforts and resources to planning how to raise funds and to recruit volunteers to achieve its mission.

8.你個人喜歡哪一種規劃理論?試依廣度 ( 策略性vs. 作業性 )、時間幅度 ( 短期vs. 長期 )、明確度 ( 方向性規劃vs. 特定事件 )、使用的頻繁度 ( 單一事件vs. 經常使用 ) 來分析。
What types of planning do you do in your personal life?
Describe these plans in terms of being (a) strategic or operational, (b) short term or long term, and (c) specific
or directional.
Students’ responses to this question will, of course, vary. Students may mention their planning to meet educational and career goals. Encourage your students to think about their everyday lives and the types of daily,
weekly, monthly, and yearly planning they do.

9.Peter Drucker為管理學巨擘,以SMART方式設定目標 [ 特定性 (specific)、可衡量性 (measureable)、可達成性 (attainable)、關聯性 (relevant)、時間性 (time-bound) ],這些在今日的環境下仍適用嗎?請討論。
The late Peter Drucker, an eminent management author, coined the SMART format for setting goals back in
1954: S (specific), M (measurable), A (attainable), R (relevant), and T (time-bound). Are these still relevant
today? Discuss.
Of all of the material presented in this chapter, most students will readily recall this acronym for goal setting. These qualities from Drucker have remained basically unaltered and have been cited in numerous texts and
studies. As a part of student discussion, try to find other application for Drucker’s work in this area beyond the management of employees. What about for school children? Volunteers working for a community program?

10.許多公司的目標是成為對環境更友善的公司,其中一項措施是減少紙的浪費。請自選一家公司,你自己擔任該專案的主持人,請設立目標並發展計畫,並準備書面資料對你的主管簡報 ( 亦即課堂上的教授 )。
Many companies have a goal of becoming more environmentally sustainable. One of the most important steps
they can take is controlling paper waste. 
Choose a company— any type, any size. You’ve been put in charge of creating a program to do this for your company. Set goals and develop plans. Prepare a report for your boss (that is, your professor) outlining these goals and plans.
It should also be stressed to students that plans must be accepted by top management and as well as employees at lower levels if it is to be effectively implemented. Have students discuss the difficulty of implementing a plan such as this across levels. How could students increase buy-in of the plan? How would such a plan be ultimately
evaluated to determine its success? Using criteria discussed in the previous question, have students check that their goals match the SMART format.

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